High Pressure Lab and Bench Top Microfluidizer® Homogenizers
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This is the homogenization equipment designed for lab-scale processing – from investigatory R&D to small-scale pilot batches. Whether you’re looking for a bench-top homogenizer or something with a slightly larger footprint, our laboratory homogenizers offer the consistency, scalability and efficiency you need from your small-scale homogenizing equipment.
MF Social Shorts - Vaccines
Pilot Scale and Production Equipment
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It’s the high-pressure homogenizer designed to bring you one step closer to going to market. Our M-110EH is your bridge between R&D and production. Before you scale up to industrial homogenization, you need a cost-effective solution for pilot batch production. This is the equipment to get you there.
MF LNP Social Shorts - High Shear
MF LNP Social Shorts - Vaccine
Production Scale Industrial Homogenizers
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Our production-grade industrial homogenizers are the equipment of choice for scale-up in pharmaceutical, biotech, chemical, cosmetic and food processing applications. Offering scalable, repeatable results, our M-700 series is the proven choice for cost-effective industrial homogenizing equipment that stands up to your high-demand production environment.
Cell Disruption_Explainer Snippet
Microfluidics how it works
Comil Comil 湿法整粒粉碎 实验室粉碎机 制药锥式粉碎机 干法制粒机、生产型干法制粒机、实验型干法制粒机 制药安全筛分机 无菌原料药粉碎 进口干法制粒、进口干法制粒机 OEB5级制粒线、OEB6级制粒线 高活性干法制粒设备、中药干法制粒、桌面型干法制粒 多功能一体机 食品原料 生物技术,生物制药